Training for Your Employees

​Enhancing Safety and Competence through Education

​Preparing Your Team for the Digital Workplace

​IT Security and Basic Skills Training for Your Employees

​In today's digital world, basic IT skills and awareness of IT security are essential. At Amestris Digital, we offer tailored training programs that cover both basic computer operation and important aspects of IT security.

​Our training starts with the basics of computer operation. We ensure that your employees can work comfortably and efficiently with common office tools, operating systems, and internet technologies. In addition, we impart best practices for secure and productive use of these tools.

​In terms of IT security, we focus on educating your team about common security threats and teaching secure working practices. We teach best practices for data security, secure communication, and how to recognize and fend off phishing attempts and other cyber threats.

​Invest in the IT competence of your employees and strengthen the security of your company at the same time. Trust in the expertise of Amestris Digital and contact us to learn more about our training offers.

​Are you looking for professional IT support for your business or do you need assistance?
